Coureur de neige

Comment améliorer l'adhérence et obtenir une meilleure traction dans SnowRunner

Ce guide montre comment améliorer la traction sur tous les types de surfaces dans SnowRunner.

Comment ça fonctionne

Those who play SnowRunner know that sometimes we have boring moments where we get stuck more often than we actually drive. Cela peut rendre le jeu un peu frustrant et ennuyeux parfois. It would be more enjoyable for some players if there was a difficulty setting mode!

Locate the Installation Folder

  • Go to the Library in the Steam App.
  • Right-click on the game.
  • Then follow: Gérer -> Parcourir les fichiers locaux!

Localisez le “initial.pak” Dossier

Follow these steps to open theinitial.pak” dossier:

  • Préchargement: Paks: Client: initial.pak.
  • Ouvrez le “initial.pakfile using WinRar or a similar program.

Localisez le “trucks.xml” Dossier

Follow these steps to open theTrucks.xml” dossier:

  • Navigate to Media: Templates: Trucks.xml.
  • Faites un clic droit sur le “Trucks.xmlfile and choose to open it with Notepad or a similar text editor.

Locate and Change Values

Il y a 11 different types of tires, each with its own set of characteristics. The red arrows in the image indicate the values that need to be modified.

Note importante: It’s crucial not to increase the values too much, as this could result in excessive grip, causing the truck to have difficulty moving.

At the bottom of the page, you will find a link to both the original file and the edited version that I have provided.

How to Choose Values

Please make sure to follow these instructions to modify the values:

  • Change the values modestly. I recommend doubling the lower values and increasing the higher values by 50% à 70%.
  • The image below provides the values you have been using for a long time.
  • After making the modifications, close the window and save the file.

At the bottom of the page, you will find a link to both the original file and your edited version.


Before proceeding with modifying theTrucks.xml” dossier, it is essential to create a backup of the original file. This is important because when the game receives an update on Steam, it will replace your modified file with the original one.

After making the backup, you can proceed with modifying the file.

To replace the original file with the modified one after an update, Suivez ces étapes:

  1. Ouvrez le “initial.pakfile using Winrar.
  2. Navigate to Media: Templates within theinitial.pak” dossier.
  3. Drag and drop or paste and replace the modifiedTrucks.xmlfile into this location.
  4. Follow Step 3 to complete the process.

En suivant ces étapes, you can replace the original file with your modified version to ensure your changes are retained even after game updates.


Ce guide sur Coureur de neige a été écrit par Michel. Vous pouvez visiter la publication originale à partir de ce lien. Si vous avez des inquiétudes concernant ce guide, n'hésitez pas à nous joindre ici.

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