la magie: Légendes

la magie: Legends Beta a introduit la classe Pyromancien

The hyped free-to-play Magic: Legends had more news announced for its open beta! With the arrival of the last update, the Pyromancer class was added to the game, which also revealed the fourth act in its history.

From now until 2:00 PM (GMT) on May 24th, developer Cryptic Studios will allow players to redeem the class for free by logging in. en outre, Pyromancer’s spells and clothes were placed in the first stages of the Battle Pass, where they will continue even after the free period ends.

Other news in this patch were performance improvements, improvements in quality of life, and a new story that was added, where we can continue to venture into the multiverse. It was christenedChasing Answers” (ou “looking for answers”), Act IV of the journey.

Anyone who wants to try la magie: Légendes can download it from the Epic Games Store or Arc Games, mais nous verrons aussi des versions pour Xbox One et PlayStation 4 dans 2021. Qu'as-tu pensé de la nouvelle? As-tu essayé le jeu? Commentaires ci-dessous!

A propos de l'auteur

Earl fait partie de ces joueurs qui joueront à presque tous les nouveaux jeux. Mais il préfère jouer aux FPS et aux jeux en monde ouvert.