Guide et astuces de réussite de Nobodies After Death

Personnes: After Death is a game with many achievements that can be easily obtained by selecting a particular mission and performing certain actions. Cependant, the Hint Hater achievement is unique and requires players to complete the entire game (by selecting new game) without using the hint button even once. If you’re looking to finish your first playthrough with the Hint Hater achievement, or if you’re on your second playthrough and need a refresher on little things you might have forgotten, Ce guide est pour vous. En outre, this guide will help you obtain the achievements for finishing missions perfectly. The game doesn’t provide hints for this, and you might not want to try every action combination (par exemple, erasing a video tape may not be immediately obvious).

Global and non-mission-specific achievements

Indice haineux

It’s important to note that you have to be careful not to click the hint button by accident! I have done it way too many times before, so don’t rush through the game and mind where you’re clicking.

Tueur en série

Il y a 10 killable characters in this game. Kill them all for this achievement. You don’t have to do it in a single game, you can just select the mission from the menu and kill the characters you missed.

  1. Opération Undertaker: tuer le sleeping gardener avec le broken fence from Area C
  2. Opération Canari: tuer le chef in the office with the bird spike from the hut
  3. Opération Canari: tuer le ouvrier in Area 1 inside the mine with the bird spike from the hut
  4. Opération Caldeira: murder the park ranger avec le machete from the bathroom area
  5. Opération Minuit: tuer le chef avec le pelle from near the pool
  6. Opération Dead Drop: murder the guard with the wrench from the drawer in the victim’s home
  7. Opération Pays des Merveilles: murder the attendant (from the Bottle Toss game) avec le metal ball (taken from the stanchions, you don’t need to paint it beforehand)
  8. Opération Mer Morte: kill the camera shop attendant avec le helium tank from the cupboard inside the theater
  9. Opération Mer Morte: murder the médecin in the infirmary with the spoon from the restaurant
  10. Opération Mer Morte: tuer le homme staring at the sea (at the area past the infirmary) avec le oar from the concierge’s room. This must be done when the woman is gone (after accessing room 42)

Journée des déchets!

As with the Serial Killer achievement, this one also doesn’t require you to do it in a single game or in any order. Il y a seulement 4 missions with dumpsters that you could dump the body in.

  1. Opération Roadkill: After getting they truck key, dump the body into the dumpster just outside the diner
  2. Opération passager clandestin: Simply place the body inside the dumpster outside of the airport
  3. Opération Pays des Merveilles: Just put the corpse inside the garbage bin next to it
  4. Compte à rebours de l'opération: After using the ladder to get the body to the construction site, use the elevator to bring it to the alley where the dumpster is

À la recherche de l'amour

This is a callback to the previous game, in Operation V: Bolt Bucket, where you could call a number written on the side of the payphone to reach Lonely No More Hotline. This can be done during any mission that has a phone, so either the payphone in Operation Dead Drop or the telephone in Room 42 during Operation Dead Sea.

The number is: 538-8655

Foret d'opération

This mission should be easy because it’s a tutorial so there is no way to get stuck or fail. Just follow the instructions and you should get this achievement.

Opération Quagmire

How to get rid of the body:

  1. Inside the hut, ramasse le mop et le canne à pêche
  2. Go outside and get the wheelbarrow on the grass
  3. Go back inside the hut and use the wheelbarrow sur le dead body to pick it up
  4. Utilisez le mop avec le sang on the floor to clean it
  5. Go outside and dump the dead body into the rivière. The crocodiles will gladly eat him.
  6. Clean the mop en utilisant le rivière to get rid of the blood

À ce point, you could safely exit the scene without failing the mission.

How to not leave any evidence behind:

  1. After the crocodiles finish eating the corpse, son clothes will float on the river. Utilisez le canne à pêche sur le clothes to pick them up
  2. Mettez le wheelbarrow on the grass outside the hut
  3. Return into the hut and burn the clothes avec fireplace
  4. Placer le mop on the right corner of the hut (click the counter)
  5. Placer le canne à pêche on the left corner of the hut (click the armchair)

You should now get this achievement:

EmbourbéTerminez la mission des marais sans laisser aucune preuve derrière vous

Opération Roadkill

How to dispose the body:

  1. Go into the diner and talk to the bartender, asking for a bière
  2. Use the glass of bière avec le sol. The bartender will be annoyed, but while she is cleaning, you can freely move around
  3. Clique sur le tip jar pour avoir quelques en espèces, et utiliser le en espèces sur le jukebox
  4. Turn on the microphone so that the song from the jukebox will be played through the speakers outside
  5. This will cause the trucker who was sleeping to wake up and head to the diner. You can now get the clés from the driver’s seat of the truck and use it to unlock the back porte of the truck
  6. Head left and talk to the construction ouvrier. You’ll find out that Jerry has forgotten to pack them food, so they can’t take a break from their work.
  7. Head back into the diner Et donner en espèces to the bartender for a box of pizza
  8. Retourne au construction worker and give him the pizza. Leave so they can go take a break, and you will come back to find the construction area empty
  9. Ramasse le pelle and use it on the soil
  10. Obtenir le dead body du camion and place it inside the newly-dug hole in the soil
  11. Utilisez le pelle on the dead body to bury it

You can now exit the scene without failing.

How to not leave any evidence behind:

  1. Placer le pelle sur le pancarte
  2. Close the back porte of the truck and use the clés to lock it
  3. Mettez le clés back at the driver’s seat of the truck
  4. Mettez le en espèces back into the tip jar

You should now get this achievement:


Terminez la mission du restaurant sans laisser aucune preuve derrière vous

Opération Undertaker

How to dispose the body:

  1. Ramasse le carte du table
  2. Ramasse le garbage bin sur la gauche
  3. Utilisez le carte to navigate to the mausoleum
  4. Ramasse le dead body and combine it with the garbage bin
  5. Pick up the rug from the floor
  6. Head to the shed and use the rug sur le gravel to make sure the sleeping gardener won’t hear you
  7. Prendre la clés on the wheelbarrow and use it on the porte of the shed
  8. Prendre la pliers et le adjustable wrench
  9. Clique sur le electrical box, noting that only the timer labelled A is on
  10. There is a memorial service being held in Area B of the graveyard, and we need the guests to leave so we could do our thing. The sprinklers are off on all areas except A, so use the pliers sur cable A et cable B, before using it again on cable A to connect the timer for Area A to Area B
  11. Aller à Area C et utiliser le adjustable wrench sur le broken fence
  12. Aller à Area B, which should be empty as the sprinklers drove away the mourners, et utiliser le broken fence sur le casket to open it
  13. Clique sur le garbage bin to take out the dead body, and put the dead body inside the casket.
  14. Close the casket

You can now safely leave the scene without failing.

How to not leave any evidence behind:

  1. Aller à Area C and return the broken fence
  2. Allez à la shed et utiliser le pliers sur le cables réparer
  3. Mettez le pliers on the right shelf and the adjustable wrench on the left shelf
  4. Go back outside and use the clés to lock the shed porte
  5. Placer le clés back on the wheelbarrow and then pick up the rug depuis le sol
  6. Allez à la mausoleum and put the rug back on the sol
  7. Retourne au reception and put the garbage bin on the left (click door), et le carte sur la table

You should now get this achievement:

Flop de cercueil

Terminez la mission du cimetière sans laisser aucune preuve derrière vous

Autres accomplissements:

Pas de sommeil au travail

Interrompre le repos beauté du jardinier

Pour obtenir ce succès, before placing the rug on the gravel, just click on the keys as many time as you could. This should eventually wake up the gardener, and the cops will be called on you for suspicious behaviour.

Opération passager clandestin

How to dispose the body:

  1. Ramasse le luggage cart outside the airport
  2. Enter the airport and head right towards check-in
  3. Prendre la employee badge du tourist information counter
  4. Utilisez le luggage cart avec le cart return to receive a pièce de monnaie
  5. Obtenir rubbing alcohol du first-aid kit
  6. Head back to the departures. You can now talk to the people there (because you now have the employee badge). After talking to everyone, you will find that the one who matches the description you were given is the guy in green hoodie who is reading a newspaper. Note that he is carrying a red luggage
  7. Utilisation pièce de monnaie sur le coffee machine to get a cup of café
  8. Head right to the check-in again and use the café sur le counter. The airport worker will get mad and call you an idiot, but he will leave, giving you the opportunity to use the computer
  9. You will need to enter the flight number and the passenger name to print out a boarding pass, so head all the way to the left to the baggage claims and talk to the baggage attendant. Note that the luggage most similar to Frederickson’s contact belongs to Ken Keyton, flight number 6249
  10. Go back to check-ins and type 6249 into the computer, et appuyez sur 5 to print out Keyton’s boarding pass
  11. Head back to baggage claims and give the boarding pass au baggage attendant. You will receive the red suitcase
  12. Utilisez le rubbing alcohol sur le red luggage to remove the stickers so that you won’t get caught switching the suitcases out
  13. Head back outside and pick up the dead body to combine it with the red suitcase
  14. Utilisez le red suitcase with dead body avec le suitcase in the departures to switch them (next to the man in green)

You can now safely leave the scene without failing.

How to not leave any evidence behind:

  1. Go to the baggage claims to return the red suitcase au baggage attendant
  2. Go to check-ins and place the employee badge back on the tourist information counter
  3. Put the rubbing alcohol back in the first-aid kit
  4. Head outside and throw the boarding pass into the garbage bin to get rid of it

You should now get this achievement:

Sac mortuaire

Terminez la mission de l'aéroport sans laisser aucune preuve derrière vous

Autres accomplissements:

Actif Airways

Enregistrez-vous pour votre propre vol

After using the coffee on the counter and before printing out the boarding pass, taper 1080 as the flight number and you will get a funny message from your bosses

Opération Canari

How to dispose the body:

  1. Ramasse le uniform from the car
  2. Head to the left towards the mine entrance and pick up the pliers on the ground
  3. Head right and then to the beach and use the pliers sur le bird spikes on top of the hut
  4. Pick up the rotten poisson on the ground and use it on the man, woman or camera. They will make a reference to The Birds before leaving without their things. You can now take the caméra
  5. Go back to the mine entrance and head into the office. Utilisez le caméra to take a picture of the carte. You can now enter the mine
  6. Use the map to navigate to Area 02 (droit, milieu, milieu, droit, gauche, droit) and pick up the rope
  7. Go back to the entrance and head to the cliff (droit, milieu, gauche, droit, gauche, droit, milieu) et utiliser le rope sur le rocher. You can now use the rope to go back to the beach
  8. Head back to where the voiture is and retrieve the dead body
  9. Allez à la cliff area and use the dead body avec le rope
  10. Go back to the mine entrance and use the bird spike sur le bulldozer. The driver will leave to find a replacement tire and you can now take the jack
  11. Utilisez le jack sur le bureau to simulate an earthquake. This will cause the mine to be evacuated
  12. Enter the mine and go to Area 01 (gauche, gauche, droit), The worker has left, so you can take the mallet from the toolbox
  13. Go back to the beach and use the mallet sur le hut, and you can now take an oxygen tank
  14. Enter the mine and go to the place with the hazard sign (gauche, milieu, droit, droit) so that you can fast-travel there later
  15. Go to the cliff via the mine again, and pull the dead body en haut (you will also receive the rope)
  16. Go back to the place with the hazard sign and put the dead body inside the hole in the boards. Placer le oxygen tank there too
  17. Use the mallet on the oxygen tank to cause that section of the mine to collapse

You can now safely leave the scene without failing.

How to not leave any evidence behind:

  1. Go to Area 01 and return the mallet into the toolbox
  2. Go to Area 02 and return the rope
  3. Go to the entrance and retrieve the bird spikes du roue
  4. Mettez le pliers on the ground near the office
  5. Prendre la jack from under the office and place it back under the bulldozer
  6. Mettez le uniform back on the car and close the trunk of the car
  7. Get rid of the carte picture by putting it into the trashcan
  8. Head to the beach and put the bird spike on the hut
  9. Close the hut encore
  10. Mettez le caméra back inside the bag

You should receive this achievement:


Terminez la mission de la mine sans laisser aucune preuve derrière vous

Autres accomplissements:

Des preuves accablantes

Prendre une photo de la carte de la mine après avoir tué le boss

Use the bird spike on the boss inside the office to kill him, and take a picture of the map using the camera before heading out

Opération Caldeira

How to dispose the body:

  1. Follow the path towards the park entrance and pick up the licence plate on the ground
  2. Head into the park and pick up the machete, pitchfork, et carte
  3. Clique sur le trashcan to get an empty bottle
  4. Look at the sign and note that Geyser C is the only one that is inactive
  5. Use the map to go to the trail. Ramasse le bean pods et certaines rochers depuis le sol
  6. Use the machete on the rope to borrow it
  7. Go to the campsite. Combine the bottle avec le bean pods to create a rattle and use it to scare the campers away
  8. Once they leave, ramasse le Outil Multi-fonction, sac à dos, et cart
  9. Go back to the bathroom area and use the Outil Multi-fonction sur le lawn mower to get a roue
  10. Combine the wheel with the cart to repair it
  11. Go back to where the body is and use the machete sur le bamboo
  12. Combine the bamboo avec le rope to create a raft
  13. Utilisez le raft sur le rivière, pick the dead body up and put it on the raft
  14. Click on the raft once to flip it over, and one more time to push it off
  15. Head back to the campsite and combine the pitchfork avec le license plate to create a makeshift paddle
  16. You can now pick up the kayak and use it on the rivière to retrieve the raft et le dead body
  17. Combine the cart et le kayak, before combining the kayak on cart avec le dead body to hide it
  18. Go to Geyser C and fill the sac à dos avec rochers
  19. Obtenir le dead body from the kayak on cart and combine it with the sac à dos filled with rocks
  20. Utilisez le body with rocks avec le geyser to hide it there

You can now safely leave the scene without failing.

How to not leave any evidence behind:

  1. Go back to the trail and use the machete avec le raft to get the rope et bamboo dos
  2. Placer le rope sur le chemin
  3. Go to the campsite. Clique sur le kayak on cart to separate them. Mettez le kayak on the ground
  4. Utilisez le Outil Multi-fonction sur le cart to get the roue dos
  5. Return the Outil Multi-fonction et le cart on grass
  6. Go to the bathroom area and return the roue au lawn mower
  7. Return the pitchfork to the shed and put the map back
  8. Mettez le machete sur le log and throw the rattle into the trashcan
  9. Go to the park entrance where the park ranger stands and put the license plate sur le chemin
  10. Go to where the body was and put the bamboo back

You should now get this achievement:

Causes naturelles

Terminez la mission du parc national sans laisser aucune preuve derrière vous

Autres accomplissements:

Échouer rapidement

Éliminer le corps dans les dix secondes suivant le début d'une mission

Immediately after starting the mission, pick up the dead body and put it in the river.

I’m not sure if it’s possible to get this achievement through other missions. I have tried to do it in Operation Quagmire but I can’t do it fast enough. Please let me know if there are other ways to get this achievement!

Opération Minuit

How to dispose the body:

  1. Ramasse le mistletoe from above the basement door
  2. Go downstairs to the basement and take the gas mask, ball of yarn, et knitting needle
  3. Go back out and enter the kitchen to take the can opener
  4. Go back and head upstairs. Prendre la framed diploma hanging on the wall and use the can opener on it to get an empty frame et le diploma
  5. Faites glisser le diploma sous le porte et utiliser le knitting needle to push the clé out of the keyhole
  6. Pull the diploma back out to get the clé, and use it to open the porte
  7. Prendre la clé à l'intérieur de candy bowl and head back out
  8. Combine the mistletoe avec le ball of yarn, and put the mistletoe with yarn sur le railing. This will create a distraction for the DJ
  9. Go to the kitchen downstairs and head outside. Utilisez le clé from the candy bowl on the shed to find a bottle of chloroform. Prendre la pelle et log from outside the shed.
  10. Go back inside and to the lounge where the party is. The DJ should be busy kissing a woman, so you can use the chloroform sur le fog machine
  11. Take the box of matches sur la table
  12. Go to the basement and put the log into the furnace. Utilisez le matches to light it up
  13. We need to turn the heat up in the kitchen so that the chef will leave. Turn off all the valves except for the third one (click valves 1, 2, et 4)
  14. Go back to the kitchen. The chef will freak out and leave so you can pick up the cake server
  15. Go back out and use the cake server sur le clock to open it. Change the time to midnight. This will cause the DJ to use the fog machine, and everyone will fall asleep.
  16. Go upstairs and get the dead body
  17. Go to the kitchen and use the dead body avec liquid nitrogen to freeze it.
  18. Use the shovel on the frozen dead body, and put the dead body chunks into the couler to make use of the garbage disposalYou can now safely leave the scene without failing.

    How to not leave any evidence behind:

    1. Mettez le cake server et le can opener on the counter in the kitchen
    2. Go outside and put the chloroform back in the shed. Utilisez le clé from the candy bowl to lock it
    3. Mettez le pelle on the ground
    4. Combine the empty frame avec le diploma and put it back on the wall upstairs
    5. Go into the room where you found the body and put the clé back into the candy bowl
    6. Lock the door to this room with the other clé and slide it under the porte
    7. Obtenir le mistletoe du railing and head back downstairs to put it above the basement porte
    8. Go into the basement and return the knitting needle, ball of yarn, et gas mask. Click on the furnace to turn it off
    9. Go to the lounge and return the box of matches onto the table

    You should now get this achievement:

    Glace pilée
    Terminez la mission du manoir sans laisser aucune preuve derrière vous

    Autres accomplissements:

    Voyage de découverte
    Ne faites plus qu'un avec l'univers

    Before putting everyone to sleep with the chloroform, talk to the dancer with round glasses. Pick the first option, and then the second option.

Opération Dead Drop

How to dispose the body:

  1. Ramasse le des billets, laxatives et le string. You can pick up the wrench and the hanger, but you don’t need them yet and you can’t bring them to the tower so it’s better to leave them for now.
  2. Head outside and through the street to Sky Tower. Prendre la gum du payphone. Donner la des billets au guard. You can now move freely inside the tower as long as you’re not carrying any metal objects
  3. Prendre la water bottle du cooler and a pair of sunglasses de locker nombre 14
  4. If you plan to get the Drop the Kids off achievement, this is where you would do them
  5. Use the elevator to get to the observation floor. There is a worker there. Combiner water bottle avec laxative and switch the doctored bottle with the attendant’s water bottle. Leave the area, and when you come back, the bungee jumping attendant should be gone (poor sap)
  6. Utilisez le gum sur le coin slot of the binoculars. When you leave and come back, you will get a pièce de monnaie
  7. Head back to the house and get the hanger et wrench
  8. Utilisez le hanger avec le voiture pour le débloquer. Obtenir le wheelchair du trunk
  9. Ramasse le dead body inside the house and combine it with the wheelchair et sunglasses. Don’t forget to put the hanger back inside the wardrobe.
  10. Go to the outside of Sky Tower and use the string et wrench avec le balloons. Click the balloons to sneak the wrench up
  11. Clique le payphone. Utilisez le pièce de monnaie on the coin fente. This is where you would call Lonely No More Hotline if you want to get the Looking for Love achievement here.
  12. There was a phone number on the maintenance log inside the elevator. Call this number (395-2438) and tell Daisy that your name is Keyton Douglas
  13. If you want to get the Memory Error achievement, you can do it now. Autrement, use the code given by Daisy (9364) to access the maintenance level. Prendre la uniform du hangers and head outside using the ladder
  14. The balloons with the wrench should be there. Prendre la wrench and use it on the winch. Leave the wrench attached to the balloon.
  15. Go to the observation level (keeping the uniform) and put the dead body sur le harness. Click it once to push the dead body off

You can now safely leave the scene without failing.

How to not leave any evidence behind:

  1. Go to the maintenance level and return the uniform
  2. Go to the lobby and return the sunglasses to locker 14
  3. Go back to the house and put back the laxative, string et wrench
  4. Return the wheelchair to the trunk of the car outside the house

You should now get this achievement:


Complete the tower mission without leaving any evidence behind

Autres accomplissements:

Drop the Kids off

Utiliser les toilettes de la Sky Tower

Gain access to the maintenance floor (by using code 9364) and use the bathroom there. This must be done before giving the bungee jumping attendant the doctored water, because it will smell really bad after that

Erreur de mémoire

Oubliez le code de l'ascenseur tellement de fois que vous échouerez à la mission

Before entering the correct code for the maintenance floor, call Daisy 4 more times after getting the code. She will call the cops on you

Opération Pays des Merveilles

How to dispose the body:

  1. Pick up all of the weights off the floor (there should be 5 au total) and take the couverture off the console
  2. Head to the warehouse area where the body is, and pick up the pliers under the dumpster

You can now safely leave the scene without failing.

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