Pocky & Rocky reshriné – Comment toujours gagner à la roulette

Learn how to always get the prize you want!


Tout au long du jeu, you are going to encounter a bunch of animated characters that won’t hurt you.

These friends actually do something, if you have enough coins on you.

And I’ll show you how to make them EVEN MORE helpful!

Getting the prizes!

Just to be safe: to activate the roulette, you have to hit the roulette guy with your melee attack)

Now to always get the prize you want you’ll have to take a look at the last digit of your coin counter. The more accurate way is to look at the 10th digit of your score. The above option won’t stay true once you go over the 999 coin cap.

The number that’s currently shown there will decide your roulette prize!

Nombre50 pièces de monnaie100 pièces de monnaie
0 ou 5Blue upgradeBlue upgrade
1 ou 6Red upgradeRed upgrade
2 ou 7Green upgradeGreen upgrade
3 ou 8Barrier talismanBarrier talisman
4 ou 9Chien1-EN HAUT

300 coin roulettes will always give you a 1-UP, so I didn’t feel the need to list them.

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