Événement Pokémon GO pour la Saint-Valentin 2018 Caractéristiques Chansey, Luvdisc brillant et triple poussière d'étoiles

Niantic just announced the Pokemon GO Valentines Day Event 2018 featuring some pink Pokemon including Chansey, Luvdisc and even included Shiny Luvdisc. Along with these Pokemon spawn increase, the event also brings the 3x Stardust for each Luvdisc caught during the event.

Pokemon GO Valentines Day Event Features:

  • Spawn rate increase for pink Pokemon, toutefois, Luvdisc and Chansey has a greater chance of spawn rate during the event
  • Triple Stardust for catching Chansey and Luvdisc
  • In addition to the spawn increase for some Pokemon, Shiny Luvdisc has also been spotted in the wild

A propos de l'auteur

Blogueur de jeux, parachutiste et mère de 2. Écrivain à temps partiel et aussi joueur. A partir de maintenant, Je joue uniquement à des jeux sur mon PC. Mais qui sait, Je pourrais avoir une PS4 un jour.