Rédemption de Red Dead 2 Emplacements des trappeurs

Rédemption de Red Dead 2: Où trouver les trappeurs pour vendre des peaux d'animaux

Hunting is one of the features that I love most in Red Dead Redemption 2. From hunting, you can find something to eat, wear, and even exchange the body parts of the animal for money. While there are numbers of stores around the map, only a few of them buy animal pelts.

Exchanging animal pelts into some money is one of the easiest ways to earn in Red Dead Redemption 2. Considering the size of the map of the game, il y a seulement five trappers in all the land, odds you may be wondering where the locations of the pelt traders are. Heureusement, we have made a handful guide to help you sell your animal pelts for a quick money.

All Trapper Locations

All Trappers Locations

All Trapper LocationsHere are the exact locations of all the trappers in Red Dead Redemption 2.

Saint Denis Trapper

Saint Denis Trapper Location
Saint Denis Trapper Location

Saint Denis trapper is located in Saint Denis Marché. You can easily spot the pelt trader under a big wall painted in red showing an advertisement for biscuits.

New Hanover Trapper

Emplacement du nouveau trappeur de Hanovre
Emplacement du nouveau trappeur de Hanovre

If you look in the map above, the location of this trapper is just on top of letters V and E.

West Elizabeth Trapper #1

West Elizabeth Trapper Location
West Elizabeth Trapper Location #1

Just on the northeast of Riggs Station, the pelt trader is waiting in the middle of a small green field. Approach him after you finish your hunting session.

West Elizabeth Trapper #2

West Elizabeth Trapper Location #2
West Elizabeth Trapper Location #2

On the opposite part of West Elizabeth, you can find another trapper waiting for your arrival.

Endgame Trapper

Endgame Trapper Location
Endgame Trapper Location

While our goal is to give you all the locations of the 5 trappers in the game, the end game trapper will only become available until you reach the final chapter of Red Dead Redemption 2.

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A propos de l'auteur

Blogueur de jeux, parachutiste et mère de 2. Écrivain à temps partiel et aussi joueur. A partir de maintenant, Je joue uniquement à des jeux sur mon PC. Mais qui sait, Je pourrais avoir une PS4 un jour.