La Chronique de DioField

Les cristaux de jade de la Chronique DioField | Où et comment obtenir

Au fur et à mesure que vous progressez dans le jeu, you will soon be required to provide several resources to upgrade your items, personnages, et plus. One of these resources available in the game is called Jade Crystals, and it is considered a rare material in The DioField Chronicles. Given their rarity, you may be wondering where to find them. Read on as we guide you through the details on where to farm Jade Crystals in The DioField Chronicle.

Where to Find Jade Crystals

Jade Crystals are usually found inside the chests that are scattered all over the map of the main story and sub quests. To get some Jade Crystals, you need to order your unit to examine a chest and loot its contents.

Before you get the Jade Crystals on every mission, you need to complete the mission first. If you fail to clear the level or abort the mission, you won’t be able to receive the Jade Crystals that you found.

Jade Crystals Farming Tips

Given that you need to clear the mission to receive the Jade Crystals, we highly recommend that you lower the game difficulty. Lowering the game difficulty will ensure that you can easily clear the main quests and sub quests while farming Jade Crystals.

Where to Use Jade Crystals

Jade Crystals are used to upgrade the Magilumic Orbs, which are used to upgrade the attack power of the summon evoked during encounters. Note that the Magilumic Orb is available in Chapter 2 of the main story of The DioField Chronicle. There are lots of Magilumic Orbs in the game, which gives you more options to choose from. Par défaut, the Bahamut Magilumic Orb is unlocked.

A propos de l'auteur

Earl fait partie de ces joueurs qui joueront à presque tous les nouveaux jeux. Mais il préfère jouer aux FPS et aux jeux en monde ouvert.