Où trouver tous les objets de collection dans la démo Fragmented City

Guide détaillé pour vous aider à trouver tous les oiseaux pendules et autocollants dans la version démo de Fragmented City.

Oiseaux pendulaires

REMARQUE: Oiseaux pendulaires (or drinking toys) are technically not collectibles, but if you find and activate all of them, one appears on your desk, in your apartment.

1. Inside Codies Pawn Shop, the top of the shelf on the right side.

2. In a dumpster across from the homeless camp.

3. Right next to the punks listening to music.

4. In the kiosk of the woman selling metro passes by the subway. You can’t immediately activate the pendulum bird, a little bit of conversation is needed here.

5. In the vent leading to the outside of Dennisapartment.

6. Behind the bathroom door in Dennisapartment.

7. In the broken down bathroom at the bottom floor of the building the fractured cult member is staying in.

8. Inside Melvins safe. The safe is in the diner office that you can access from the rooftop of the building.

You can either reset it (del, del, 0, 0, del, del) et utiliser le 1234 combination, or just use it’s original, hidden code: 0451.

9. After opening the lattice door in the metro storage area jump on the boxes directly in front of you, ce’s nestled against the wall behind the boxes.

10. Hidden in a secret room.

On the rooftops past the diner, after climbing the ladder next to the water tower there will be two windows that are boarded up, if you have a hammer climb inside and then go into the settings and turn on no-clip mode and go through the left wall. The bird will be on the middle shelf hidden behind a box. (Il y a aussi 5 cans of food in here)


REMARQUE: The stickers you collect appear on the bulletin board, in your apartment.

1. Bird with suitcase

Between two benches facing each other next to a bottle deposit machine in an alley before the sign for Codies pawn shop.

2. Yellow-Eyed Buff bird

On the left side of the dumpster right in front of Codies Pawn Shop.

3. Large Eye

In the alleyway directly beneath the punks, near the diner.

4. Weird bird facing right

On the rooftops near the water tower and right beside a door that saysAuthorized personnel only’.

5. Smoking bird

Directly to the left after leaving the vent to the outside of Dennisapartment.

6. Multi-eyed cube

Inside the bathroom of the metro storage area where you get the lattice door key.

Ce guide sur Fragmented City a été écrit par Máté. Vous pouvez visiter la publication originale à partir de ce lien. Si vous avez des inquiétudes concernant ce guide, n'hésitez pas à nous joindre ici.

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