Episodio Ahiru no Sora 26 Anteprima

Episodio Ahiru no Sora 26 Anteprima, Sinossi, e data di rilascio

The first official match for Sora and the Kuzuryu High has finally begun. Episodio Ahiru no Sora 26 will be featuring the continuation of the match between Kuzuryu High and Shinjo Towa Academy. Read on to learn when will be the release date of the 26th episode of the series. Inoltre, this guide will also tell you exactly where you can watch the series online for free.

Episodio Ahiru no Sora 26 Data di rilascio

Following the delayed release of Episode 25, the anime series is back to its original schedule. If the series doesn’t face any unexpected last-minute delay or schedule changes, aspettarsi che watch Ahiru no Sora Episode 26 il mercoledì, aprile 8, 2020, a 6:25 PM. Be reminded that the specified date and time are based the release schedule in Japan, so you’ll want to convert it to your current timezone.

Episodio Ahiru no Sora 26 Anteprima

Ahiru no Sora Streaming Guide

If your cable provider offers Japanese channels, make sure to check out TV Tokyo and TX-X Channel as the anime is aired on these networks. For fans who don’t have the access to these Japanese TV stations, you can still watch Ahiru no Sora on HiDive and Crunchyroll.

Both streaming platforms are offering the original version of the episode, which has Japanese audio with English subtitles. Tuttavia, if you want to watch the series in English audio, you need to check out HiDive as they are offering Ahiru no Sora English dub.

Circa l'autore

Billy è un fanatico degli anime. Ama leggere manga e guardare anime durante il tempo libero. Le sue serie anime e manga preferite sono One Piece e Hunter x Hunter.