Episodio Boruto 183

Episodio Boruto 183 Spoiler, Data di rilascio: Il nuovo compito di Kara per Ao

Episodio Boruto 183 è proprio dietro l'angolo. Following the release of the previous episode of Boruto: Naruto Next Generation, anime fans are now excited to see how the spy will execute his mission.

If you’re one of the anime enthusiasts following Boruto and his ninja adventure, this guide will be telling you the important details of the next episode. Continua a leggere per conoscere la data di uscita ufficiale, potenziali spoiler, and recap of the events that happened in the last episode.

Episodio Boruto 183

Riepilogo dell'episodio precedente

In the 182nd episode, we have seen how Naruto tasked Team 7 for a C-Rank mission. This was to accompany Katasuke and deliver the new scientific tool that he created. On their way to Ryutan City, they met Lord Ao.

They had a short conversation and upon reaching their mission’s destination, Squadra 7 and Katasuke left the train. Nel frattempo, Ao stayed behind and that’s when it was revealed how Koji Kashin give him a new mission. This mission was to retrieve the vessel that was lost due to the crashing incident.

Nel frattempo, Konohamaru and Mugino are still on their way back home while being chased by the enemies. Will they be able to escape? Let’s find out in the next episode of Boruto: Anime Naruto Next Generations.

Boruto: Episodio di Naruto Next Generations 183 Aggiornamenti

The following are the confirmed information about the upcoming Episode e183 of Boruto.

When is Boruto Episode 183 data di rilascio?

Al momento della scrittura, there is no delay or schedule changes for the release of the new episode of Boruto. This only suggests that we should be getting the new episode on its regular schedule. Detto questo, expect to see the continuation of the anime on Sunday, Gennaio 24, 2020.

Where to watch Boruto Episode 183?

Be the first to watch the upcoming Boruto: Episodio di Naruto Next Generations 183 intitolato “The Handby streaming it from the official anime distributors such as Crunchyroll, Animelab, e la corda.

Circa l'autore

Billy è un fanatico degli anime. Ama leggere manga e guardare anime durante il tempo libero. Le sue serie anime e manga preferite sono One Piece e Hunter x Hunter.