Suggerimenti e trucchi per principianti di Cave Crawlers

A simple guide based on what a couple of runs in this game showed me.

Le basi

How to make the most of what you’re given.

  1. Keep your torch refilled. Pressing use on a torch with your own torch in your hand will refill it and use up the torch you did it with. Keep in mind that it will use 1% of the torch you are recharging for every 1% added to yours, it is not infinite.
  2. Your weapon choice should be made after you find a decent weapon, not before. You could go a few levels without finding a good axe, but you might find a sword in that time. I would suggest holding your expertise until you find a good weapon, or at least the kind you want to use, as I ran into the problem of not getting an axe for a good 8 floors while stocking up on axe skills, hoping I’d find one soon.
  3. Hold F to strike your flint and light your way when your torch runs out, but be warned, this is by no means a replacement for a torch. Keep your torch filled and put it away when not in use.
  4. Try to avoid using bombs on enemies, they do very little damage and are better used as items to open blocked passageways. Per farlo, throw the bomb at any wall with some tnt at the base, it will open the blocked path and allow you to take it.
  5. When playing in co-op, try to have someone with some torch skills and avoid using the same skills as someone else. A well-rounded team is a good team.
  6. Torch skills are medic skills, you can heal twice a floor with them and it heals 3 punti, a very good way to avoid dying from something as simple as a bat.
  7. Block and Dodge work the same way, pick one if you’re going to use one and just roll with it, either way you’ll end up with a chance to not take damage.
  8. Revive your teammates before they die completely, have someone kite and pick them up if necessary, but try to always get them up. Death is currently forever, if this changes in the future then ignore it, just try to survive.
  9. In co-op, divide armor and weapons into roles. Give the item to whoever needs it the most, and split potions with whoever needs them the most, a healing pot will help the tank more than the assassin.
  10. Avoid hitting enemies on your team, or if you’re alone, try to avoid hitting them in places where you might have to run. Knockback can be a killer.

Enemy Tips

  • Circle firing works on most enemies, just try to avoid getting stuck in a large group.
  • Slimes don’t hurt you, they just slow you down. You can ignore them if you need to kill a goblin before you fight it.
  • Goblins usually hang out in groups, so if you only see one, its friends are probably nearby.
  • Bats are dangerous because of their speed, try to deal with swarms of bats first if possible, they can and will bite you from the sides/behind if you do not pay attention to them.
  • Crystal enemies are MUCH stronger than their weapon cousins, try to avoid running into them if possible and kite them away from larger groups.

Boss Tips

  • The first boss is easier to kite than some enemies, don’t panic and run back into danger trying to keep an eye on him, kill his minions first and try to keep the area clear.
  • The second boss can be forced to recharge his crystals and this will weaken him. Avoid staying too far away from the big crystals and circle around him if you can.
Questa guida su Cave Crawlers è stato scritto da Waskom The Wickerbeast. Puoi visitare la pubblicazione originale da questo collegamento. In caso di dubbi su questa guida, per favore non esitate a contattarci qui.

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