Digimon sopravvive

Digimon Survive Controls and Shortcuts Guide

Are you one of the many fans of Digimon? Bandai Namco has just released their newest Digimon video game, Digimon sopravvive. Nel gioco, you will be playing as Takuma Momozuka, and your goal is to find your way back home after being transported to the world of Digimon.

This guide will be detailing the list of Digimon Survive to help you fight the enemies that you will encounter in the game.

Digimon Survive Controls

Prima di iniziare, keep in mind that you can change these default Digimon Survive key bindings and shortcuts. A parte il supporto per la tastiera, you can also use a gamepad controller to play Digimon Survive.

Check out the controls that you should remember here!

(D-Pad) SuD-Pad SuW
(D-Pad) Fuori usoD-Pad giùS
(D-Pad) Sono partitiD-Pad sinistroUN
(D-Pad) DestraD-Pad destroD
(Levetta sinistra) SuBarra di sinistra in alto8
(Levetta sinistra) Fuori usoLevetta sinistra giù2
(Levetta sinistra) Sono partitiLevetta sinistra a sinistra4
(Levetta sinistra) DestraSinistra Levetta destra6
(Bastone destro) SuStick destro in altoio
(Bastone destro) Fuori usoLevetta destra in bassoK
(Bastone destro) Sono partitiLevetta destra a sinistraJ
(Bastone destro) DestraBastone destro a destral
InizioPulsante Menù9
SelezionarePulsante Visualizza0
Digimon Survive Controls

This concludes our Digimon Survive controls guide. Do you have any questions or suggestions to improve this guide? Make sure to let us know!

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