Dott. Calcolo

Dott. Capitolo Pietra 136 Spoiler e data di uscita: Dove leggere in linea?

While Minister Ibara things that all the people on the island have been petrified, he was surprised upon seeing Senku being alive. Upon hearing the words from the lab, Ibara let go of the Medusa on the ground. Ibara is about to pick Medusa, but Senku used the new feature of the motor lab to prevent Ibara from taking it back. Will it be enough to stop Ibara? Scopriamolo una volta che il nuovo Dr. Stone manga chapter releases.

Quando è il dott. Capitolo Pietra 136 data di rilascio?

Dott. Calcolo

It has been a long journey for Senku fans as the previous chapter was released earlier this month. It’s been a few weeks and still no new chapter. per fortuna, Dott. Stone fans won’t be waiting more time as it will officially return soon.

As announced in the previous chapter, the upcoming Dr. Capitolo Pietra 136 will be released on January 26th. Digital scans and early scanlations usually release earlier and it is expected that it will be out a few days before the official chapter releases.

Dove leggere il Dott. Capitolo Pietra 136?

Dott. Calcolo

There are lots of sources where you can read Dr. Stone manga chapters. Tuttavia, some of these websites are giving inaccurate English translations of the manga. To read the exact English translations of Dr. Capitolo Pietra 136, visit the official Dr. Stone manga distributor such as Viz.

What to expect in Dr. Capitolo Pietra 136?

Dott. Calcolo - Ombra
Dott. Calcolo – Ombra

The previous chapter already hinted at the events that are about to happen in the upcoming chapter. Senku activating the automated vehicle sets another milestone to his adventure. One of the rules of the Kingdom of Science is not to take away any soul. Looking at the current situation, it seems that Senku is about to hit Ibara with the moving vehicle. But in my opinion, Senku will just only use it to cover the Medusa so that Ibara can’t get it. Will he be able to succeed? Tell us what you think by leaving a comment below.


Circa l'autore

Billy è un fanatico degli anime. Ama leggere manga e guardare anime durante il tempo libero. Le sue serie anime e manga preferite sono One Piece e Hunter x Hunter.