Dott. Calcolo

Dott. Capitolo Pietra 171 Spoiler, Data di rilascio: Senku and Xeno Unites

Dott. Capitolo Pietra 171 will be out soon. Following the release of the previous chapter last Friday, manga fans are now excited to read the next chapter of Dr. Stone manga series.

There have been lots of events that happened in the past few chapters of Dr. Stone manga. While the main highlights of the last chapter cover the start of their voyage to South America, fans should not also forget how Senku and the other passed Stanley.

Dott. Calcolo

Dott. Stone Previous Chapter Recap

Proprio adesso, Senku is using a smaller boat where Dr. Xeno is also being held. With the help of Gen’s story, they passed by Persues where Stanley is currently aboard. Right after passing the Kingdom of Science’s ship, Stanley interrogated Matsukaze to learn where Senku and the others are headed.

Matsukaze is decided not to spill the details to protect his friends, but Ginro revealed himself from hiding to save his comrade’s life. Là, Stanley learned that their enemy is going to South America.

Just before chapter 170 finisce, we managed to have a look at what’s happening inside the smaller boat. Là, manga fans witnessed how Senku agreed to Dr. Xeno to share information about what they know.

Dott. Capitolo Pietra 171 Predizione

One of the most obvious events that may happen in the next chapter is Dr. Xeno and Senku telling all the details that they know about the petrification. There’s a chance that Senku may determine something new to unveil the truth behind the global petrification that happened thousand of years ago.

Dott. Capitolo Pietra 171 Data di rilascio

You can read the 171st chapter of Riichiro Inagaki’s Dr. Stone manga on Sunday, ottobre 25, 2020. Read the digital copy of Dr. Stone manga by heading to the official manga distributors such as Viz Media and Manga Plus.

Circa l'autore

Billy è un fanatico degli anime. Ama leggere manga e guardare anime durante il tempo libero. Le sue serie anime e manga preferite sono One Piece e Hunter x Hunter.