Sfida Fortbyte 89 Posizione

Fortbyte di Fortnite #89 Posizione: Usa Volare con l'aliante Scarlet Strike attraverso gli anelli a est di Snobby Shores Guide

It’s a new day in Fortnite Season 9 which only means a new Fortbyte challenge has been unlocked. Detto ciò, Epic Games has unlocked Fortbyte #89 chiamato Accessible by Flying the Scarlet Strike Glider Through the Rings East of Snobby Shores. If you’re wondering where and how to complete this challenge, here’s a quick guide to help you.

Sfida Fortbyte 89 Guida alla posizione

Similar to the previous challenges, Fortbyte #89 will require you to equip an item before actually collecting the chip.

Fortnite Scarlet Strike Glider

Primo, you need to equip Scarlet Strike Glider that can be unlocked at Tier 39 of the Season Pass. Right after you equip the glider, head to Snobby Shores and find the floating rings near the village.

Sfida Fortbyte 89 Posizione

Glide your way to the first ring and another ring will appear. C'è un totale di 4 rings that will appear and all you need to do is pass through it. When you reach the 4th ring, the Fortbyte #89 chip will be collected automatically.

Circa l'autore

Earl è uno di quei giocatori che giocheranno a quasi tutti i nuovi giochi. Ma preferisce di più giocare a FPS e giochi open world.