Come scaricare e installare mod nelle città: Skyline II

Benvenuti in questa guida completa sul modding delle città: Skyline 2! Whether youre a seasoned modder or new to the world of user-created content, questa guida ti aiuterà a trovarlo, Scarica, e installa mod per migliorare la tua esperienza di costruzione della città.

Downloading Mods

  • Choose a Trusted Source: Inizia selezionando una fonte attendibile per le città: Skyline 2 mod. There are several popular websites dedicated to hosting these mods. Some popular options include ParadoxMods, NexusMods, ParadoxPlaza or other dedicated modding websites.
  • Browse and SelectOnce on your chosen modding platform, browse through the available mods. You can filter or search for specific mods based on your preferences, such as assets, gameplay changes, or visual enhancements.

  • Select Your Mods: Click on the mod you wish to download. Most modding platforms provide a detailed description, user ratings, and comments to help you make an informed decision.
  • Scarica: Typically there will be a “Scarica” button or link. Ensure youve downloaded the mods you want.

Installazione di mod

  • Check Prerequisites: At the moment mods only work with the BepInEx framework. So before proceeding, ensure you have BepInEx 6 installed. You can download it from the official BepInEx GitHub or your preferred Modding Platform. Follow their installation instructions to set up BepInEx correctly. (Basically you just have to move the content of the BepInEx folder into the main Cities Skylines II directory and run the game once.)
  • Locate Your Cities: Skyline 2 Direttorio: Open your file explorer and navigate to your Cities: Skyline 2 installation directory. Tipicamente, this is located in something like “…SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cities Skylines II

  • Access BepInEx Directory: Within the Cities: Skyline 2 directory, individuare il “BepInEx” cartella. This is basically where youll place your mods.

  • Install Your Mods: Una volta che tu’ve downloaded the mods, they will usually come in a folder format. Place the entire mod folder (containing the mod files) dentro “…\Cities Skylines II\BepInEx\plugins” directory.

  • Check Compatibility: Some mods may require specific versions of Cities: Skyline 2 or other dependencies. Always refer to the mods description for compatibility information.
  • Start the Game: With the mods installed, launch Cities: Skyline 2. BepInEx will load the mods during startup.
  • Manage ModsYou can check the mod logs in the BepInEx Console. You can enable it in the config if it isnt already.

It will look something like this while you are in-game:


Even if there arent alot of mods as of now – seguendo questi passaggi, voi’ll be able to easily find, Scarica, and install mods for Cities: Skyline 2. Modding can add a whole new dimension to your gameplay, allowing you to customize and enhance your city-building experience.

Since ColossalStudio havent released il official modding tools or platform Ancora, this guide only covered mods running with BepInEx.

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