Come sbarazzarsi dei cadaveri robotici dopo aver coltivato il metallo in Atomic Heart

To get more loot, freeze foes before ending them. This also prevents corpses from littering the ground post-defeat. Another approach: blast them again after they’re revived by a Railgun to ensure they vanish permanently.

You can loot them only 1 tempo

Always stay vigilant to prevent the game from endlessly repairing robots. If you linger near a surveillance camera and dispatch robots, the game will keep sending replacements until the area is swamped.

Avoid this by employing a dual strategy: freeze with your left hand and utilize Mass Telekinesis with your right. When a robot is frozen, it won’t leave behind any remains after you’ve scavenged it.

In my initial playthrough, I encountered over 100 loot-less robots congregating in a compact area due to this oversight.

Screenshots of frozen Robots

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