How to Kill Enemies Using Sticky Bomb in Shadow Warrior

This guide will hopefully set you on the right path to kill more than 75 enemies with a sticky bomb in the game.

How to Kill Enemies Using Sticky Bomb

For this you’ll need to obtain the crossbow, then get the Sticky Bombs upgrade for the duration of this achievement. That being said killing 75 enemies can be quite a bitDifficult.
*This achievement is best achieved on Casual or EX Casual difficulty.

After obtaining the crossbow and the sticky bomb ability:
1. play till the end of chapter 10
2. Save when you see the ship being suspended in air by chains
*you should be able to see some ‘Flyersthat are sleeping.
3. Kill those chickens!!
4. Reload and repeat. (Until you get the achievement)

Detonating the sticky bombs in air before it reaches it’s destination is the best approach to securing the kills.

Alternatively if you don’t want to do this cheese strat. Honestly just run through the game and use the sticky bombs against hordes of lesser demons.

Questa guida è stata scritta da Chancellor Beebuz. Puoi visitare la pubblicazione originale da questo collegamento. In caso di dubbi su questa guida, per favore non esitate a contattarci qui.

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