How to Wire a Light to Multiple Switches in House Flipper 2

You might have discovered that some of the houses you can buy in House Flipper 2 come with lights that are wired to multiple light switches. If you’re asking yourself, “How do I do that in my own house or one I’m flipping?” then this is the guide for you!

Wiring a Light to Multiple Switches

Prima di procedere, simply make sure you have a light (of any kind) and a switch at the ready.

Equipaggia il “Edit WiringTool and wire the light and first switch you wish to use it with like normal.

Equipaggia il “FlipperTool and change it to itsDuplicatefunction. Duplicate the light switch and place it where you would like; bear in mind, you may always move the light switch later, so just make sure it’s accessible.

Ta-da! If this was successful, you should now be able to see that the light is wired to both switches, e quindi, will be toggled on or off at both sites.

Questa guida su Casa Flipper 2 è stato scritto da Opus Magnum. Puoi visitare la pubblicazione originale da questo collegamento. In caso di dubbi su questa guida, per favore non esitate a contattarci qui.

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