Fatto: Ponte degli Spiriti

Fatto: Ponte degli Spiriti – Come rimappare i controlli

Are you one of the players of Kena: Bridge of Spirits who wants to remap the default controls of the game? Se è così, here’s a quick guide to help you remap the Kena: Controlli del Ponte degli Spiriti.

Fatto: Bridge of Spirits Controls Remapping

  1. Vai alla directory di configurazione del gioco. By default it can be found here:
    C:\Utenti<Nome utente>\AppData\Local\Kena\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\
  2. Trova e apri il file denominato GameUserSettings.ini utilizzando qualsiasi editor di testo.
  3. Search for the desired action by its ActionName or the default key assigned to it.
  4. Replace the text that follows Key= to the desired button key.
  5. Save the file and relaunch the game.

Per esempio, ActionName="Select",Key=M refers to an action assigned to M chiave, which happens to be the map by default. Changing it to ActionName="Select",Key=Shift remaps the map to Spostare chiave.

A simple way to get the right key code is to launch the game, use it to assign the wanted key to a known action, then copy and paste this key code to the desired action in the config file.

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