One Piece Luffy

Capitolo di un pezzo 978 Ritardato, Nuova data di uscita rivelata

While things are getting more interesting in the One Piece Wano Arc, it seems that fans need to extend their patience as One Piece Chapter 978 release date will be delayed.

Due to the virus outbreak all over the world, the entertainment industry has received a huge hit and Japan is not an exemption in this case. Infatti, the Japanese government has already placed the country in a state of emergency.

Di conseguenza, lots of entertainment activities have been postponed. One of these is the Weekly Shonen Jump, which according to their official statement, there will be no new issue coming in the following week.

Detto ciò, there is no expected new One Piece manga chapter this coming week. Capitolo di un pezzo 977 is now out and it marks the raid to Onigashima. There are lots of things to expect in the upcoming chapter. One of these is the revelation that Kaido has a son. Kaido’s son identity is still unknown which is why fans are eager to see the return of the manga.

Ma come accennato sopra, there will be no manga chapter next week. Capitolo di un pezzo 978 will officially return on April 27th. Because of the delay, there will be a double issue release.

Circa l'autore

Billy è un fanatico degli anime. Ama leggere manga e guardare anime durante il tempo libero. Le sue serie anime e manga preferite sono One Piece e Hunter x Hunter.