Red Dead Redemption 2: Dove trovare tutti i poster di Chain Gang – I legami che ci uniscono Mission

One of the side quests in Red Dead Redemption 2 è The Ties That Bind Us where you are asked to help two strangers take down their wanted posters in the Rhodes town.

The Ties That Bind is will become available in Chapter 5 after you finish the main mission called The Joys of Civilization. It is a stranger mission that is divided into 5 parti, but unlike the other side missions, parte 3 e 5 are not automatically marked in the map.

While there are 5 missions that you need to finish in this quest, we will be focusing on the first part where you are tasked to find the 5 chain gang posters scattered in Rhodes town.

The Ties That Bind Us Bounty Poster Locations

The Ties That Bind Us Location
The Ties That Bind Us Location

To start this stranger mission, you’ll need to visit the hill next to the train tracks in Rhodes. You will find two men fighting with each other on the ground. Approach the two men and talk with them. They will then ask you to take down their bounty poster scattered in the town of Rhodes.

Manifesto da ricercato #1 Posizione

Manifesto da ricercato #1 Posizione
Manifesto da ricercato #1 Posizione

Now that you already accepted their request, the closest wanted poster that you can find from that location is inside Post Office. Check the board for the wanted poster.

Manifesto da ricercato #2 Posizione

Manifesto da ricercato #2 Posizione
Manifesto da ricercato #2 Posizione

The second wanted poster can be found on a post. Tuttavia, there’s a man standing next to it so you’ll have to ask the man to move so you can get the wanted poster. The man will punch you and you need to take him down first to get the poster.

Manifesto da ricercato #3 Posizione

Manifesto da ricercato #3 Posizione
Manifesto da ricercato #3 Posizione

Your next stop is on the Sherrif’s Board. Just approach the board and snatch the wanted poster.

Manifesto da ricercato #4 Posizione

Manifesto da ricercato #4 Posizione
Manifesto da ricercato #4 Posizione

The fourth wanted poster is on another lantern post at the end of the main road.

Manifesto da ricercato #5 Posizione

Manifesto da ricercato #5 Posizione
Manifesto da ricercato #5 Posizione

After picking up the fourth wanted poster, just continue walking down the road until you see the telegraph line post. While you’re still far from the post, you will see a bounty hunter picking up the wanted poster. This bounty hunter will try to move out of the place so you need to quickly chase and beat him then loot the wanted poster from his pocket.

And that’s the location of the 5 chain gang posters. A marker will be available in your map after you obtain the posters, head to the marked location to finish part 1 of The Ties That Bind Us.

The remaining missions of The Ties That Bind Us are pretty easy and do not require any hunting or whatsoever. Just follow the markers until you reached the last part. Fidati di me, it’s a good ending for the two men.

Do you want more guides, Consigli, e trucchi? Then make sure to visit our Red Dead Redemption 2 indice guida.

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Blogger di giochi, paracadutista e madre di 2. Uno scrittore part-time e anche un giocatore. Al momento, Gioco solo ai giochi sul PC. Ma chi lo sa, Un giorno potrei comprare una PS4.