Modello Pokemon GO Spinda #1

Modello Spinda #1 Ritorna su Pokemon GO a novembre 2019

Pokemon GO Halloween Event may have ended, but players will still be busy with this month’s Field Research. Attualmente, there are no changes that have been made in the previous tasks and challenges, but what’s new is the reward for completing the Field Research.

As confirmed by the Pokemon GO community, Spinda Patter #1, along with its shiny form, is returning this month. Spinda was first released in August 2018, and Niantic has been constant in release all of its patterns in the game.

Spinda and Shiny Spinda
Spinda and Shiny Spinda

To catch Spinda, you need to complete the task in the Field Research where you are required to make 5 Great Curveball throws in a row. Making consecutive great curveball throws is difficult, but thankfully, there’s a glitch that will allow you to make it happen. If you’re wondering how to do it, just visit this collegamento.


Circa l'autore

Un ambizioso ingegnere elettronico in divenire. Di solito puoi trovarla in biblioteca o in camera da letto mentre gioca al suo gioco preferito Pokemon Sole e Luna. Attualmente vive in Giappone per il suo stage.