Super carico di mamma – Come risolvere i problemi del monitor DPI elevato

If you are experiencing Super Motherload being off-center and too big on your high DPI monitor, there is a solution to fix this issue.

The problem stems from the fact that Super Motherload is an older game and does not declare itself as high DPI aware in the executable manifest. Di conseguenza, the operating system scales the game, causing it to appear off-center and oversized on high DPI monitors.

Automated Fix

Assuming that Steam and the game are installed in the default location.

Download the following:

Right click -> Save Link As

And then double-click the downloaded file, and import it into your registry. Feel free to verify the contents of the file before doing so.

Manual Fix

To fix the issue of Super Motherload appearing off-center and too big on high DPI monitors, Segui questi passi:

  1. Right-click on the game and select “Gestire” poi “Browse local files.
  2. Right-click eithersupermotherloadGL.exe” o “supermotherloadD3D11.exedepending on which one you use, e seleziona “Proprietà.”
  3. Clicca sul “Compatibilità” tab and selectChange high DPI settings.
  4. Check the box next toHigh DPI scaling override” e seleziona “Application” dal menu a discesa.
  5. Clic “OK” per salvare le modifiche.

This should ensure that Super Motherload is scaled correctly on your high DPI monitor and appears centered and properly sized.

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