The Serpent Rogue

The Serpent Rogue Controls and Shortcuts Guide

Team17 and Sengi Games have officially launched their newest action-adventure game, The Serpent Rogue. For players who are planning to enter the world of this game, this guide will show you the complete list of The Serpent Rogue controls for PC, Xbox, e PlayStation.

The Serpent Rogue Controls

Per iniziare questa guida, let’s begin with the default The Serpent Rogue key bindings and shortcuts for PC. Note that you can change the following controls by going to the settings section of the game, then clicking the controls tab.

Andare avantiW
Muovere a sinistraUN
Vai a destraD
ScopoPulsante destro del mouse
attaccoTasto sinistro del mouse
BloccareBarra spaziatrice
BersaglioPulsante centrale del mouse
Menù / Di ritornoEsc
Usa l'oggetto / ConsumeR
Open StatsC
Apri mappaM
Slot Selection Up1
Slot Selection Right2
Slot Selection Down3
Slot Selection Left4
Apri Inventarioio
Switch MenuScheda
Zoom fotocameraRotellina del mouse
The Serpent Rogue Controls for PC

Going to the controls for the Xbox and PlayStation versions, check out the button bindings below:

FunzioneXboxStazione di gioco
MovimentoLevetta analogica sinistraLevetta analogica sinistra
Menù / Di ritornoPulsante MenùPulsante Opzioni
Usa l'oggetto / ConsumeXPiazza
Open StatsL3L3
Apri mappaPulsante VisualizzaTouchpad
Slot Selection UpD-Pad SuD-Pad Su
Slot Selection RightD-Pad destroD-Pad destro
Slot Selection DownD-Pad giùD-Pad giù
Slot Selection LeftD-Pad sinistroD-Pad sinistro
Apri InventarioYTriangolo
Zoom fotocameraLevetta analogica destraLevetta analogica destra
The Serpent Rogue Controls for Consoles

And this is everything you need to learn about the default The Serpent Rogue controls and shortcuts for the PC and consoles versions. In case we missed any key controls for the game, fatecelo sapere nella sezione commenti qui sotto.

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