Where to Find the Hacker Device on Moon in Call of Duty: Operazioni nere

This guide will Show you the locations of the hacker device on moon (Nota: Once you grab it you will trade it for the P.E.S, so you won’t be able to breath in areas like outside, areas where a Saw has cut through in tunnel 6 Tunnel 11 and the bio-dome, or areas like the bio dome such and such without the power on. and only one player can have the Hacker.)

Posizione 1

The first location is on the table next to the location of Deadshot Daiquiri.

Posizione 2 + 3

Location two and three is Near the Double tap root beer perk machine

Questa guida su Call of Duty: Operazioni nere è stato scritto da Goose64 (o_0). Puoi visitare la pubblicazione originale da questo collegamento. In caso di dubbi su questa guida, per favore non esitate a contattarci qui.

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