アグリゲーターエレベーターシステム 100% アチーブメントガイド

A guide for 60 seeded levels on the Normal difficulty, in Direct Placement mode. The seed used isDeiru” 引用符なしで, and completing these levels with this guide should be enough to obtain all achievements in the game in one run.


How to use this guide
This guide is for seeded levelsTo use this guide, you must use the same seed and details that I did, else your levels will differ significantly.

ゲームモード: Direct Placement
困難: 普通
シード: Deiru

If your levels do not match those in this guide, please double-check the details you used on creating the save and ensure they match these details. I am unsure if capitalisation matters on the seed, but Deiru is precisely how I typed it.

Achievements Not Unlocking?
心配しないで – the achievements for this game unlock when you exit the game. If you want to make sure you are getting the achievements, just quit the game occasionally and resume your save. It isn’t strictly needed, as they will all unlock when you finish the game and exit.

What counts ascheatingfor the achievements that mentioncheating”?
You are allowed to use the “ヒント” function up to 5 回. Once you have used this 5 回, の “ヒント” button will change to a button labelledCheat” – Using the button once it saysCheatis what counts as cheating. Tips are fine. This shouldn’t matter if using this guide, but thought I’d mention it anyway.

の “ヒント” button says your guide is wrong?!?!
The tip function will guide you on what’s correctly placed (2-3 blocks a time). でも, it is guiding you towards a specific solutionand there are other solutions that are perfectly valid, such as those in this guide. You cannot use the tip function to verify any part of this guide, as it will be directing you towards a different solution.

レベル 1

レベル 2

レベル 3

レベル 4

レベル 5

レベル 6

レベル 7

レベル 8

レベル 9

レベル 10

レベル 11

レベル 12

レベル 13

レベル 14

レベル 15

レベル 16

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レベル 19

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レベル 22

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レベル 59

レベル 60

このガイドについて アグリゲーターエレベーターシステム によって書かれた Deiru. 原文はこちらからご覧いただけます リンク. このガイドに関してご不明な点がございましたら, お気軽にお問い合わせください ここ.
