
解き放たれた祝福 – 異方性フィルタリングをカスタマイズする方法 (の)

The ability to customize the anisotropic filtering in Bless Unleashed is what makes the game even better. Apart from the gameplay, クエスト, and other activities in the game, players are also enjoying the environment that the game has been offering.

If you just downloaded Bless Unleashed, the game’s default anisotropic filtering is too low to enjoy the overall experience of the game. いつもの, game developers are doing this to avoid overload and crash to their game. 幸運, you can customize the AF in Bless Unleashed and make the world more vibrant. 下, is the guide on how you can customize AF in Bless Unleashed.

Bless Unleashed Anisotropic Filtering Settings

We can customize AF by modifying the configuration files of Bless Unleashed. Here are the steps that you can easily follow:

  1. Go to the configuration directory of Bless Unleashed. デフォルトでは, you can found it at C:\プログラムファイル (x86)\Steam\steamapps\commonBless\Config\WindowsNoEditor\
  2. 次, find and open the file called Scalability.ini
  3. Once opened, add the following lines:
  4. 変更内容を保存
  5. Re-open Bless Unleashed and enjoy much better graphics and textures.

Please note that you can also use other levels of AF by changing 16 に 2, 4, また 8.


ゲームブロガー, スカイダイバーとその母親 2. 兼業ライター兼ゲーマー. 今のところ, 私はPCでしかゲームをしません. しかし、誰が知っていますか, いつかPS4買うかも.