
バグの実績 – ベッドの下の暗闇

バグ バグ

How to Unlock the Bug Achievement

位置: First Mission, near the start area.

ヒント: This is very easy to miss, but you should look for something that looks like the thumbnail.

解決: When entering theScissors”/”マーカー”/”Tapearea of the First Mission, visit the cardboard box to the right (The one where you get the nut from in the main mission).
中に入ると, zoom in on the bug above the torn off-page with right-click to get the achievement.

It is probably also possible to get from the main mission, but this is where I got the achievement.

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Earl は、ほとんどすべての新しいゲームをプレイするゲーマーの 1 人です. しかし、彼は FPS やオープンワールド ゲームをプレイすることを好みます。.