Darwin's Game

ダーウィンズゲームのエピソード 10 発売日

Join Kaname and the Sunset Ravens on a new battle in Darwin’s Game Episode 10. This post will guide and help you prepare for the upcoming episode of Darwin’s Game. Learn when the new episode is releasing and also discover where you can watch the series online.

ダーウィンズゲームのエピソード 9 Short Recap

The previous episode covers the short match between the main protagonist and Danjou for the sake of the alliance. The battle is heating up until Xuelan arrived and abduct Kaname. The Sunset Ravens learned about the news and decide to pursue their leader.

An intense car chase just happened and during that time, Shuka faced Xuelan. Due to Kaname’s condition, Xuelan is only allowed to escape without killing anyone. The Sunset Ravens Clan did a great job stopping Xuelan and her butler. Following her defeat, Xuelan decides to join Kaname’s clan.

その間, Wang and his group kidnapped Kaname’s friend and threatened that he will kill his friend if Kaname doesn’t show up. Will Kaname be able to save his friend? Let’s find out once the new episode releases. Check out the following link for the ダーウィンズゲームのエピソード 9 full recap.

ダーウィンズゲームのエピソード 10 発売日

The first season of Darwin’s Game is set to only have a total of 11 エピソード. 必ず watch Darwin’s Game Episode 10 行進に 13, 2020.

Darwin’s Game Anime Streaming

現在, the studio behind the series, ネクサス, is partnered with several streaming platforms which give you more options where you can access the anime. These streaming platforms are Funimation, アニメラボ, HiDive, クランチロール, とVRV. Apart from the 10th episode, you can also watch all the previously released episodes of the anime series from these sources.


ビリーはアニメオタクのファンです. 彼は自由時間に漫画を読んだりアニメを見るのが大好きです. 彼の好きなアニメと漫画シリーズは、ワンピースとハンター×ハンターです。.