ドゥームエターナル: 古代の神々 - パート 1

ドゥームエターナル: 古代の神々 – 血の沼地のすべての熾天使の書

ドゥームエターナル: The Ancient Gods Part One DLC has been officially released by the developer of the game. Just like the base game, players will have a lot of collectibles while playing the game.

One of these collectibles are the Book of the Seraphs. In Blood Swamps, players can collect these books while progressing the game. Note that collecting all books will lead you to obtain the achievement called Required Reading.

ドゥームエターナル: 古代の神々 - パート 1


  • Required Reading
    Collect all physical Codex pages in a single save slot (Ancient Gods 1)

If you’re planning to collect all the book of the Seraphs and obtain this trophy, check out our exclusive ドゥームエターナル: The Ancient Gods trophy guide.

The Blood SwampsBook of the Seraphs Locations

Similar to the UAC Atlantica Facility, you can obtain a total of 4 Book of the Seraphs in The Blood Swamps. These are the Book of the SeraphsPart V to Part VIII. Below you will find a video detailing the exact locations of these books. Here are the time snaps of the locations.

  • Book of the SeraphsPart V starts at 0:00
  • Book of the SeraphsPart VI starts at 1:16
  • Book of the SeraphsPart VII starts at 2:12
  • Book of the SeraphsPart VIII starts at 2:41


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