遠征: ローマ

遠征: ローマのアップデート 1.1.4 パッチノート

遠征: ローマのアップデート 1.1.4 が利用可能になり、プレイヤーはこの新しいパッチをダウンロードして変更とバグ修正を実装できるようになりました。. アップデート 1.1.4 was rolled out earlier today, 1月 28, 2021.

公式リリースノートによると, this new Expeditions: Rome update has addressed several bugs and issues in the game. 不運にも, 前回のアップデートのリリース以降, many players are still experiencing some in-game issues. With update 1.1.4, players are expected to experience fewer problems in the game.


遠征: ローマのアップデート 1.1.4 パッチノート

  • Modified the encounter in the quest Ambiorixs Warning:
    • Fixed an issue with the encounter not completing if players manage to kill all the enemies during the encounter.
    • Cativolcus now places a Rally banner at the start of the fight.
    • A Charger and Arsonist have been added to Cativolcus’ チーム.
    • Adjusted the level of the enemies in the encounter slightly.
    • If you lose the encounter, all injuries will be cleared when you wake up later.
  • Fixed an issue where characters who are hurt during the Rome Sweet Rome quest will still be injured after the 5 year jump at the start of the Message From Lucullus quest. They will now be healed.
  • When using the Twitch extension, the nameplates for the characters will now be colored based on whether they are allies (緑), 敵 (赤), or neutral (grey). The name plates will also fade out a bit if the character is defeated.
  • Fixed an issue with Afrorum legion not pathing correctly in the Gaul region.
  • Fixed an issue where Centurions could be hired for the Afrorum legion in Gaul when the Legion Afrorum was not available.
  • Fixed an issue where a barrel was blocking a ladder on the Mountain Village instance.
  • Improved game stability (クラッシュ).
  • Fixed an issue where Deianeira was appearing in sections of Rome when she was not supposed to (based on story decisions).
  • Fixed a hex issue on Cliff Pass Overlook that could cause the player to get stuck if their own character happens to be standing on this hex when combat ends.
  • Fixed an issue where characters wouldRAAAAAAAHHHHHHevery time enemies move from retargeting when using the Twitch extension.
  • Added some refund functionality to the Twitch extension:
    • You will be refunded if you try to apply a status effect when that effect is already applied.
    • You will be refunded when you try to heal a character at full health.


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