Haikyuu Season 4

Haikyuu Season 4 エピソード 5 発売日とあらすじ: 飢え (エピソード 65)

The Karasuno High Volleyball Club are still on their way to improve their coordination and gameplay. Kageyama, ヒナタ, and Tsukishima are still on the training camp, while the other members of the Karasuno High are stuck on their home court. Will the training camp be able to bring out the best of the players? If you’re one of the fans looking forward to the upcoming events, make sure to check out the guide below.

When is Haikyuu Season 4 エピソード 5 発売日?

ハイキュー!! 頂点に

This episode is the 65th episode release for the Haikyuu anime. For the fourth season, it’s the 5th episode. Haikyuu Season 4 エピソード 5 タイトルは “飢え” and if there is no annoying last-minute rescheduling, the episode will be available for streaming on February 8, 2020.

Where to watch Haikyuu Episode 65?

Haikyuu Season 4

Due to the popularity of the anime, it’s not surprising to see a lot of websites illegally uploading the latest episodes. でも, please be reminded that these uploaded videos may not give you accurate English translations.

To legally watch Haikyuu!! トップへのエピソード 5, just visit the official and licensed anime distributors such as Crunchyroll. To know more about the season, make sure to visit this Webサイト.

Haikyuu Season 4 エピソード 5 あらすじ

Practice match with Shiratorizawa 3rd year OB again. 一方で, at the youth training camp where Kageyama is located, a practice game was held with shuffled positions. The final day of both the training camp for first graders in Miyagi Prefecture and the training camp for all-Japan youth.


ビリーはアニメオタクのファンです. 彼は自由時間に漫画を読んだりアニメを見るのが大好きです. 彼の好きなアニメと漫画シリーズは、ワンピースとハンター×ハンターです。.