

This guide will be showing you the steps on how to get Flock’s Canvas Talisman in Elden Ring. The Flock’s Canvas talisman is considered one of the best talismans in the game, especially for players using faith/incantations builds.

Where to Find Flock’s Canvas Talisman

To obtain the Flock’s Canvas talisman, you have to kill Gowry. You can find him in the south of Sellia in Caled.

でも, this NPC is a bit problematic because Gowry is important for the Millicent/Millenia questline in which you get Miquella’s Needle.

Assuming that you already completed the questline involving him which requires going through and completing the hidden area and also helping Millicent there.

We recommend killing Gowry after completing that questline and then also defeating Maliketh, the Black Blade. 私たちの知る限り, we didn’t get to see if Gowry had any unique dialogue after completing the main story or while using Miquella’s Needle.

同時に, we did not perform the absolution ritual at the church to bring him back. This results in us thinking that there were no other guests or important things to do with Gowry.

いかなる場合でも, the main point of this guide is that you can obtain a very powerful talisman in the early game by simply killing Gowry. しかしまた, he is playing an important role in the questline, which is why we recommend killing him after the completion of the questline.


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