
Lost Ark で DLC 報酬とアイテムを引き換える方法

While downloadable content, also known as DLC, is one of the most controversial things in video games, it has been a huge part of the success of a game. Smilegate’s Lost Ark is one of the best examples of successful games implementing DLCs.

現在, Lost Ark has been offering a variety of downloadable content that every player can enjoy. Some of these are the character cosmetics and in-game rewards. But how can you redeem this Lost Ark DLC?

How to Get the Lost Ark DLC

Lost Ark has been offering lots of DLCs that players can redeem. 実際には, you can claim some valuable DLCs every day by simply logging in to the game. If you want to claim the daily reward, open the game and click the Login Event icon located on the top section of the screen.

Apart from the daily reward, you can get more free DLC rewards by clicking on the Product Inventory section. ここから, you can find all your unclaimed rewards and items.

That doesn’t end there. You still have a few places to go to redeem in-game reards and DLC. You have to open your mailbox and see if there are any unclaimed rewards. 加えて, you can also claim the daily rewards through the mailbox.

以上です! Did you already know about these methods for claiming DLC rewards in Lost Ark?What is the rarest item that you have received from these DLCs? Feel free to leave your comments below.


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