クラッシュ時のハンドルの使い方 2

How to connect the steering wheel in the game

こんにちは, fans of the crash time game! Since you came here, then you have a problem, how do you connect the steering wheel in the game?

  1. 初め, make sure that your device is detected in the game in theGame Controls” セクション, if your device is not displayed in the settings, try installing the driver on the steering wheel, or your device is not supported.
  2. The next step, if your steering wheel is displayed in the settings, is to go into the game itself by selecting any car. And if you have loaded the map and the steering wheel does not react, do not be alarmedeverything is simple, press the “F5” button and the control will switch to the steering wheel, everything is simple.
このガイドについて クラッシュタイム 2 によって書かれた Dima3073. 原文はこちらからご覧いただけます リンク. このガイドに関してご不明な点がございましたら, お気軽にお問い合わせください ここ.
