
New Pokemon GO Promo Code Could Give You Up to 50 PokeBalls

It seems that Niantic is doing its best to cope with the on-going virus outbreak around the world. Apart from the new features and adjustments implemented in Pokemon GO, the developer has continuously releasing in-game rewards to its fanbase.

During the first week of the month of May, Niantic has released three promo codes which can be redeemed by anyone. In case you haven’t redeemed any promo codes yet, you can try the Verizon promo code, Samsung promo code, and the new code below.

  • K8G9DFV4X7L3W

Unlike the previous codes that contain berries, revives, もっと, this new code only contains up to 50 PokeBalls. 良い, it’s better than nothing, 右?

The mentioned Pokemon GO promo code above will only be available until May 28th at 1:00 UCT.

How to Redeem Pokemon GO Promo Codes

Claiming the promo codes is pretty easy. If you’re using an Android device, all you need to do is visit the in-game shop, scroll down, and enter the promo code in the input box. Pokemon GO players using iOS devices will not find the redeem box option in the game. To claim your free gift, just このリンクにアクセスしてください, サインイン, コードを入力します, and hit redeem.


野心的なエレクトロニクスエンジニアを目指しています. 彼女は通常、図書館や寝室でお気に入りのゲーム『ポケットモンスター サン・ムーン』をプレイしています。. 彼女は現在インターンシップのために日本に拠点を置いています.