仁王 2 -完全版

仁王 2 完全版マルチプレイヤーガイド: 友達や見知らぬ人と協力プレイをする方法

このガイドでは、仁王のマルチプレイヤー モードに関するすべての詳細を説明します。 2 – 完全版. If you’re one of the players planning to play with your friends in Nioh 2, このガイドはあなたのためのものです.

仁王 2 – The Complete Edition Multiplayer Guide

Before we start with the other details, let’s answer some of the most common questions about the multiplayer mode in Nioh 2.

Does PvP exist in Nioh 2?

  • いいえ.

Is there a friendly fire?

  • You can push each other slightly, but otherwise no, there is no friendly fire except for Burning Oil Jars. Beware of bored griefers when you summon strangers.

Can a random player join my game?

  • Not without manually offering an Ochoko Cup at a Shrine.

Can I kick a player?

  • はい, but you have to use an item called Sacred Salt. さもないと, there is no easy way to kick them other than shutting the game down.

Are there checkpoints in the co-op?

  • There are no checkpoints in co-op, if the blue bar is depleted then the mission fails and you have to start over again.

What is the Co-op blue bar?

  • これはあなたの “生きる” in co-op. If a player dies, the bar will deplete. If it reaches zero, you both fail and go back to the lobby.

Player death and resurrection

  • If a player dies, the blue bar will slowly deplete until another player walks up to them and resurrects them. Thus preserving some of the bars for more available deaths.

ランダムエンカウンター vs エクスペディション

  • ランダムエンカウンターは、受け取りを希望するソロプレイヤー向けに設計されています (ホスト) または提供する (ビジター) ヘルプ. 訪問者がゲームに参加して死亡した場合, 彼らはマップに戻り、報酬なしでゲームを終了します; ゲームのホストが中断されずに続行している間. 宿主が死亡した場合, 訪問者も、ホストを助けるという任務に失敗したため、試合を離れます. これは、ダーク ソウルが協力プレイを処理する方法に似ています。. Expeditions on the other hand are the exact same game mode but designed to share lives with the Co-op blue bar so that you don’t get kicked if you die once or twice. 遠征は協力的な取り組みであることを意図しています, 一方、ランダムエンカウンターは、あなたがホストである場合は助けを受け取り、訪問者である場合は助けを提供することを目的としています.. ランダムエンカウンターの利点は、訪問者が現れてゲームが下手な場合です。, そうすれば、あなたは彼らの過ちに対して罰せられることはありません. 差し出されたおちょこのカップを失う, でも.

Where’s the Starting Point?

  • On the world map, outside of a mission. Only quit a mission if you wish to start an expedition with a friend, それ以外は, they can still join you by heading to a shrine mid-mission. To quit a mission you need to go to your inventory and find an item called Divine Branch Fragment, which makes you lose all acquired Amrita in exchange for quitting. To keep all your Amrita, you need a Divine Branch which can be found randomly as you play the game or from mission rewards.

仁王 2 – The Complete Edition Co-op With Friends

How to host a game lobby to play with friends?

  • Starting Point (Outside of a mission)
  • Torii Gate
  • 遠征
  • Custom Match
  • Create Room
  • Without Conditions
  • Set private slots if you do not wish for strangers to join
  • Private Slot Conditions: Secret Word (aka the Lobby Password)
  • Set your Secret Word if you don’t have any public slots and share it with your friend
  • Wait for your friend to join before starting the mission
  • 選択する: Preparations complete to ready up

How to join a game lobby to play with friends?

  • Starting Point (Outside of a mission)
  • Torii Gate
  • 遠征
  • Custom Match
  • 探す
  • Without Conditions
  • Special Matching Conditions: 友達
  • クリック SEARCH FOR A FRIENDIf their lob
  • by settings are correct, their name will appear on the list
  • Enter Secret Word (aka Lobby Password) if there is one
  • 選択する: Preparations complete to ready up

How to join a friend that’s already in a mission?

  • Starting Point (Outside of a mission)
  • Torii Gate
  • Random Encounters
  • Without Condition
  • 友達

How to summon a friend while on a mission?

  • Head to a Shrine
  • Summon Visitor
  • Change Settings
  • Friends or Secret Word (aka Password for private)
  • Offer Ochoko Cup (1 per player you wish to join)
  • When they join a message will appear in the top right.

仁王 2 – The Complete Edition Co-op With Strangers

How to make your game public while in a mission?

  • Head to a Shrine
  • Summon Visitor
  • Change Settings
  • いいえ (no restrictions, aka public)
  • Offer Ochoko Cup (1 per player you wish to join)
  • When they join a message will appear in the top right.

How to join a public game (Quickmatch)?

  • Starting Point (Outside of a mission)
  • Torii Gate
  • Random Encounters
  • Without Condition

How to join a public Expedition game (Quickmatch)?

  • Starting Point (Outside of a mission)
  • Torii Gate
  • 遠征
  • Without Condition

Public Expeditions are the least picked option for solo players as they do not like to depend on strangers for the success of the mission. I recommend that you instead offer Ochoko Cups at a shrine if you wish to receive aid from a stranger or join a Random Encounter match if you wish to provide help for a reward.

Bloody Graves

Bloody Graves or Red Graves, can be found scattered throughout the game where players have died and you can interact with them to summon the Revenant of the player that died. Once summoned, they will attack you and chase you down if you run, so be prepared for a fight. Revenants provide loot, experience and Ochoko Cups when killed, which can be used to interact with Benevolent Graves.

Benevolent Graves

Benevolent Graves or Blue Graves are a mechanic similar to summoning other players and NPCs to help in Dark Souls. でも, instead of summoning the actual players coming to your aid, you summon their characters controlled by the AI. To summon help, press and hold the button displayed. The character will appear after a bit.

You can place Benevolent Graves with the Righteous Jasper アイテム. You get these from completing certain missions, or by crafting. You’ll get special rewards of Ochoko Cups and 栄光 proportionate to the number of times other people have used that particular grave.
