ワンパンマンシーズン 2 - 埼玉ホールディングアース

ワンパンマンシーズン 2 エピソード 10 放送日

Following the epic moments from the episode last week, ワンパンマンのエピソード 22 is ready to air on your screens once again. The upcoming episode is calledThe Encirclement of Justiceand it will be the 10th episode for the second season of One Punch Man. If you’re one of the fans who want to watch the episode once it airs, here are the dates and time that you should mark in your calendar.

ワンパンマンシーズン 2 発売日

ワンパンマンのエピソード 22 放送日

Since there will be no delay announced for the new One Punch Man episode, expect to see Episode 22 in the next few hours. One Punch Man Streams every Wednesday in Japan at approximately 1:35 午前 (日本時間).

そうは言っても, ワンパンマンシーズン 2 エピソード 10 will officially release on June 19th. If you’re living outside of Asia, you will be able to watch the new episode a few hours after the episode airs in Japan. ワンパンマンのエピソード 22 English Subbed will shortly become available on your favorite streaming websites such as Hulu, Netflix, and Crunchyroll.


ビリーはアニメオタクのファンです. 彼は自由時間に漫画を読んだりアニメを見るのが大好きです. 彼の好きなアニメと漫画シリーズは、ワンピースとハンター×ハンターです。.