
Pokémon GO 夏至をテーマにしたイベントが発表, シャイニークレフェアリー確定

Pokemon GO players will be a little bit busy in the next few days as Niantic announced the newest event coming to Pokemon GO. The new event called Solstice-themed event will be available starting on June 19th at exactly 8:00 AM local time.

公式によると ブログ投稿, the event will be featuring various in-game bonuses and activities. Some of the bonuses include the catch Stardust bonus, arrival of new shiny Pokemon, and the changing of regions of Lunatone and Solrock. To know more about the Solstice-themed event, 以下の詳細をチェックしてください.

Pokemon GO Solstice-Themed Event Features

Starting on June 19th until June 24th, players will be able to frequently encounter Pokemon spawn increase associated with the sun and moon. These Pokemon includes Clefairy, 沈んだ, Lunatone, and Solrock. 運が良ければ, you will be able to find and catch Shiny Clefairy.

Starting on June 19th at 8:00 AM to June 20th at 11:59 PM local time, players will be able to encounter Lunatone more frequently in the wild in the eastern hemisphere. 同時に, Solrock will be also appearing in the western hemisphere.

On June 21st at 12:00 AM to June 22nd at 11:59 PM local time, both Lunatone and Solrock will be appearing everywhere in the wild more often.

次の日, June 23rd at 12:00 AM to June 24th at 10:00 PM local time, Lunatone will be swapping hemispheres with Solrock. Which means that players in the western hemisphere will be seeing Lunatone while Solrock will be in appearing in the eastern hemisphere.

Just right after the event ends on June 24th, Solrock will remain in the eastern hemisphere and Lunatone will be in the western hemisphere.

これらとは別に, the event will also include 2x Catch Stardust bonus. Please note that the 2x Catch Stardust bonus will not stack with the upcoming 3x Catch Stardust bonus for the Community Day event.


野心的なエレクトロニクスエンジニアを目指しています. 彼女は通常、図書館や寝室でお気に入りのゲーム『ポケットモンスター サン・ムーン』をプレイしています。. 彼女は現在インターンシップのために日本に拠点を置いています.