Pokémon GO v0.93.4 APK データマイン: 複数のコードのロールバック, タイムゾーンのバグなどを修正

Niantic just released Pokemon GO version 0.93.4 update and interestingly, there are some codes that have been reverted and others have been removed. Here is the complete Pokemon GO data mine for this APK version.

ポケモンGO 0.93.4 Data Mine

Just like what we’ve mentioned, there are some codes that have been reverted and removed. But before we look into that, let’s check what has been patched in this update.

Patches and Fixes

UCT Time Zone Bug

バージョン 0.93.3 APK gives time display issue to many Pokemon GO players. Instead of getting the local time zone, Pokemon GO app displays the time in UCT. This issue cause confusions to Raid Battles and other in-game features.

If you have updated your app to 0.93.3, make sure to get this update 0.93.4 to fix the time zone bug. There will be more upcoming EX Raid Battles so it is necessary to fix the bug to avoid any problems.

APK Codes Changes

There are several codes that have been reverted and removed to this version. This includes:

  • Database tools and libraries have been restored
  • QR code alphabet restriction has been removed
  • PTC authentication tweak and upgrades

This update is not a complete rollback of the older version. Most of the new codes that have been found before remains on the app. でも, these codes have also received upgrades:

  • New map renderer upgrade
  • Pokemon GO+ tweak
  • Despawning optimization
  • Unity UI improvement


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