捕食者: 狩猟場

捕食者: 狩場アップデート 2.06 パッチノート

Developer IllFonic has released the newest 捕食者: 狩場アップデート 2.06 10月8日. The new update highlights the fixing of some known bugs in the game.

The new patch for Predator: Hunting Grounds is now available for download on all platforms. Reported download file size for this update is around 209 MB, and this may change depending on the platform you are using.

Feel free to check the release notes of this patch below.

捕食者: 狩猟場

捕食者: 狩場アップデート 2.06 パッチノート


  • Fixed an issue where foliage was indestructible for clients
  • Fixed an issue where full-face covers were sometimes causing issues during cinematics
  • Fixed an issue that caused several elements to be missing their proper localized text
  • Fixed a stuck spot in Excavation near caves
  • Resolved several issues that were causing crashes


  • Fixed an issue where capture points would say “捕獲” when they should say “守る”
  • Clash matches now end when an entire team leaves
  • Fixed an issue where the countdown timer was not working properly in Clash lobbies
  • Fixed an issue where kill notification would appear for non-lethal headshots
  • Fixed an issue where XP was not being calculated properly in Clash
  • Fixed multiple Clash lobby issues related to players leaving and viewing profiles/reporting



Earl は、ほとんどすべての新しいゲームをプレイするゲーマーの 1 人です. しかし、彼は FPS やオープンワールド ゲームをプレイすることを好みます。.