レッド・デッド・リデンプション 2 フェンサーベンダーの場所

レッド・デッド・リデンプション 2: すべてのフェンスベンダーを見つけてアイテムを販売する場所

There are lots of things that you can find in Red Dead Redemption 2. Some of them are coming from rewards, 家, 略奪, もっと. Some of these items are worth keeping while the others need to be exchanged for some cash at the Fencer.

If you have some items in your inventory that you want to sell but don’t know where the location of the fence vendor, here’s a guide that will tell you their exact locations.

レッド・デッド・リデンプション 2: Fencer Vendor
レッド・デッド・リデンプション 2: Fencer Vendor

Saint Denis Fence Vendor

If you know the Trapper location in Saint Denis, the fencer is close to that area. What’s good with this fencer is that you can sell your stolen items and goods.

Saint Denis Fence Vendor Location
Saint Denis Fence Vendor Location

Rhodes Fence Vendor

The fence vendor in this town is located in the north side of Rhodes. What’s interesting in this fence is that he sells interesting poison arrow recipe. Don’t forget to browse his inventory.

Rhodes Fence Vendor Location
Rhodes Fence Vendor Location

Van Horn Trading Post Fence Vendor

Located in the eastern part of Van Horn Trading Post, you can find this fence vendor offering amazing item prices. If you just finished the ジャック・ホール・ギャングの宝物 hunting, this is the best place you can visit to sell your gold bars.

Van Horn Trading Post Fence Vendor Location
Van Horn Trading Post Fence Vendor Location

Emerald Ranch Wagon Fence Vendor

This is a unique fence vendor that you can find in the map. You can find this vendor at Emerald Ranch, east of Valentine. If you stole a horse from someone else, this is where you should sell them.

Emerald Ranch Fence Vendor Location
Emerald Ranch Fence Vendor Location

That’s all four locations of fence vendor where you can sell your items. もし、あんたが’より多くのガイドを探しています, 必ず訪問してください レッド・デッド・リデンプション 2 ガイド ディレクトリ.


ゲームブロガー, スカイダイバーとその母親 2. 兼業ライター兼ゲーマー. 今のところ, 私はPCでしかゲームをしません. しかし、誰が知っていますか, いつかPS4買うかも.