レッド・デッド・リデンプション 2 レアローリングブロックライフル

レッド・デッド・リデンプション 2: レアなローリングブロックライフルを見つける場所

There are few missable weapons in Red Dead Redemption 2, and if you missed picking them up after the event, you wouldn’t be able to have a chance to get it again. One of this missable weapon is the rare rolling block sniper rifle.

This rifle is only available during one mission in Chapter 3, and if you missed it, then you won’t be able to pick it up anywhere after. So if you’re wondering where it is located and how to get it, here’s a guide to help you out.

始める前に, please be reminded that this article contains spoiler. It’s up to you if you want to continue and take the risk.


To get the rifle, your going to need to find it during the mission Magicians For Sport. It’s a story mission in Chapter 3 where you need to do several missions beforehand and it will become available, and it’s given to you by Dutch.


Just do the mission and it will lead you to where you’re about to shoot in a cornfield. There are so many spoilers ahead so I will skip it for now and continue with our main objective, finding the Rare Rolling Block Rifle.

レッド・デッド・リデンプション 2 章 3: White Barn
レッド・デッド・リデンプション 2 章 3: White Barn

So in the cornfield with the bounty hunters after you killed the man hiding in the area, you have to find the two final enemies and kill them. The two remaining bounty hunters are located in the white barn and the final guy inside drops the rifle.

And that’s how you get the Rare Rolling Block Rifle. If you’re looking for more rare weapons, 必ずご確認ください レッド・デッド・リデンプション 2 ガイド ディレクトリ.


ゲームブロガー, スカイダイバーとその母親 2. 兼業ライター兼ゲーマー. 今のところ, 私はPCでしかゲームをしません. しかし、誰が知っていますか, いつかPS4買うかも.