友達を犠牲にする コントロールとショートカット ガイド

This page covers the list of all Sacrifice Your Friends controls and keyboard shortcuts. Sacrifice Your Friends is a casual multiplayer game developed and published by Astrolabe Interactive. ゲームは現在プレイステーションで利用可能です, Xbox, ニンテンドースイッチ, Steam経由のWindows PC.

Sacrifice Your Friends Controls

The following are the default Sacrifice Your Friends key bindings. If you’re playing the game on a console, feel free to skip this section and proceed to the gamepad controls section.

掴む / 武器を投げる
攻撃 / Grab Weaponスペースキー
戻る / 一時停止ESC
Sacrifice Your Friends Controls

キーボードのサポートとは別に, the developer of the game has confirmed that you can also use a gamepad controller to play the game on a PC. Speaking of which, you can refer to the gamepad controls for Sacrifice Your Friends below.

This concludes our Sacrifice Your Friends controls guide. もしあなたに質問があるのなら, 遠慮なくお知らせください.


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