
スカーレット・ネクサス – ゲームをクリアするまでの時間?

Are you one of the players who want to play and beat Scarlet Nexus? もし、そうなら, then this guide will tell you the approximated amount of time that you need to complete the game.

詳細によると, the RPG story of Scarlet Nexus can be finished within 20 hours if you directly follow the main storyline of the game. This means that you will have to skip the side story and other side quests that are being unlocked as you progress through the main story.

でも, if you want to complete the main storyline and the side contents, you will be needing at least 30 何時間ものゲームプレイ. Assuming that you don’t fail or play the game without any other activities such as roaming, viewing some epic scenery, 等, that’s the approximated time that you may need.

明らかに, Scarlet Nexus is now considered as one of the longest games in this generation. そう, are you still looking forward to completing Scarlet Nexus? 以下のコメントでお知らせください.


Earl は、ほとんどすべての新しいゲームをプレイするゲーマーの 1 人です. しかし、彼は FPS やオープンワールド ゲームをプレイすることを好みます。.