
リストから削除された実績 – ブーダニット

Scrapped off the list
Collect the Scrap of Coat

解除方法 Scrapped off the list 成果

You have to go past the flower shop and then turn left. As soon as you pass the building, turn right and then right again. You will find a little area between the two buildings. There is a rat that you have to possess.

Climb up the same building you passed and you will find the second pigeon on top of it. Now possess it and fly over to the flower shop building´s roof using “Q”. There you have to climb up using boxes. As soon as you have reached the third policeman, you will see a scrap of the coat.

  • 黒 – 幽霊
  • 赤 – ねずみ
  • 青い – Pigeon



Earl は、ほとんどすべての新しいゲームをプレイするゲーマーの 1 人です. しかし、彼は FPS やオープンワールド ゲームをプレイすることを好みます。.