Tales of Vogar Lost Descendants PC コントロールとショートカット

This page will be covering the complete list of Tales of VogarLost Descendants controls for PC. ヴォーガルの物語 – Lost Descendants is a turn-based tactics RPG video game developed and published by Torsten Scholze. 現時点で, Tales of Vogar is currently available on Windows PC via Steam.

Tales of Vogar Lost Descendants Controls

The following are the default Tales of VogarLost Descendants key bindings. You can change these default Tales of Vogar controls in the settings section of the game.

Move Character / Do Selection矢印キー
Confirm SelectionZ
Cancel Selection / メニューを開くバツ
FPS の切り替えF2
Toggle Fit to ScreenF3
Reset the GameF5
Take a ShortcutF12
ヴォーガルの物語 – Lost Descendants Controls

キーボードのサポートとは別に, the developer of the game also confirms that Tales of VogarLost Descendants has full controller support. You can find the gamepad controller mapping below:

Move Character / Do Selection方向パッド
Confirm Selection
Cancel SelectionB
ヴォーガルの物語 – Lost Descendants Gamepad Controls

This concludes our Tales of VogarLost Descendants controls guide. In case we missed any important control settings, 遠慮なくお知らせください.


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