橋の呪い 救いへの道

橋の呪い 救いへの道 コントロールとショートカット

The Bridge Curse Road to Salvation is a first-person horror video game developed and published by Softstar Entertainment. You can find the full The Bridge Curse Road to Salvation controls in this article.

現時点で, The Bridge Curse Road to Salvation is only available on PC via Steam. There is still no news about the console version of the game.

The Bridge Curse Road to Salvation Controls

The following are the default The Bridge Curse Road to Salvation key bindings. 不運にも, it seems that these controls are fixed as we were not able to find any in-game option to modify the default controls.

Open Inventory Screenタブ
しゃがむ / 台
確認 / 相互作用する
キャンセル / システムメニューESC
確認入る / マウスの左ボタン
戻る / キャンセルマウスの右ボタン
The Bridge Curse Road to Salvation Controls

You can also refer to the full in-game controls screenshot of The Bridge Curse Road to Salvation below:

マウスとキーボードのサポートとは別に, the developer of the game has also confirmed that The Bridge Curse Road to Salvation has full controller support. This only means that you should not be facing any major controller issues while playing the game with a controller. In case you get some controller problems, 私たちはあなたが私たちをチェックアウトすることをお勧めします The Bridge Curse Road to Salvation controller troubleshooting guide.


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