
アンターンド – ゾンビの大群から生き残る方法

このガイドでは、Unturned でゾンビの大群から生き残るために使用できるヒントと戦略について説明します。. あなたが街で突然ゾンビの大群に遭遇したプレイヤーの一人である場合, これはあなたのために.


街はいいよ. 彼らはあなたに服を与えます, 近接武器, 運が良ければ, もしかしたら銃と弾薬もあるかもしれない. でも, 彼らは決して安全とは言えません. ゾンビ, 定期的かどうか, 燃焼, 全力疾走, あなたに唾を吐きかける奴ら, またはそれらのクローラー, 自分がどれだけゲームが上手いと主張しても、それでも飽きる必要がある.

ゾンビに対処するための優れた戦略はたくさんあります. ここで素晴らしいもののいくつかを取り上げます:

  • 発煙筒を持ってきてください. どんなに戦闘が得意でも, フレアは常にゾンビを排除する最良の方法です, どんな武器を持っていても. 貴重な健康と弾薬を節約できます, ゾンビを放置できるエリアに誘導しながら, 罠を仕掛ける, 奴らをなぎ倒す, 等, 等.
  • 後ろから攻撃する. 一目瞭然, 本当. 健康を損なったりリスクを負ったりすることなく、簡単にキルを達成できます。. 後ろからゾンビを倒すだけでキャンプ全体を一掃しました.
  • 奴らを誘い出す. これは、ゾンビの大群がいて対処できない領域の場合に特に有効です。. 全員を攻撃するのではなく、, あなたは誘惑します 1 また 2 離れて派遣する. その後、対処すべき群れがなくなるまで繰り返します. これは建物を片付ける場合にも役立ちます, 出口に簡単にアクセスできるようにして、追い詰められないように注意してください.


Buildings are one of the most dangerous places in Unturned. If you are cornered by a zombie, you are pretty screwed. If you have any common sense, you would avoid them unless it is absolutely necessary. One of the best ways to deal with buildings is to pop a flare outside a doorway, then go in through a window or door opposite to the one you popped a flare into. This should clear out a lot of zombies from the building unless it is 2 stories or more.

One thing you always need to remember when clearing out a building is to have a route so you can beeline to the exit if necessary. If you know the route to the exit and make sure it is clear, you will never be cornered.

If you have a firearm, you may be able to use it in a small building with an exit close, でも, if you are in the middle of a mall, prison, or other large infested area, refrain from firing as much as possible.

Zombies That You Will Encounter

There are a few types of zombies that you can encounter in Unturned. Just like any other zombie games, the zombies in Unturned have different characteristics and abilities. Below are the details that you need to know about them.

  • Regular zombies are easy to deal with, as they can easily be killed by both firearms and melee attacks. They do damage, but no lasting damage, so there is no need to run away and heal yourself up (unless the rads get to you), so they are a 1 on the threat scale.
  • Zombies with helmets/military variants. They are just like regular zombies but can tank more hits. Pretty easy to deal with if you know what you are doing. 2 on the threat scale.
  • Sprinters are annoying to deal with, but have little health and pose no real threat unless you are naked with no stamina. 2.5 on the threat scale.
  • Crawlers are slow, but incredibly powerful, as they inflict bleeding damage with each hit. Though you might be able to put some distance between yourself and it, they are still a threat. They are also powerful, so you cannot one-hit kill it with a melee weapon. If you have bandages on you, they become more of an inconvenience, でも, they can still kill you easily. 5 on the threat scale.
  • Spitters are like regular zombies, yet they have a ranged attack. Their ranged attack is easy to avoid, でも, and unless there is a swarm you are probably going to be able to dispatch it without much trouble. 4.5 on the threat scale.
  • Burners are a lot more than an inconvenience, as they have a ranged attack that does a lot of damage and cannot be reasonably killed with a melee. Burners, when they are alive, are like spitters, but they have a fire attack instead of acid. If you decide to take one on, you need a ranged weapon or full health and a ton of bandages. When they die, melee or otherwise, they explode in a fiery mess that will take out 75% あなたの健康の. This makes melee weapons utterly useless unless it is the direst situation possible. 7.5 on the threat scale. Bosses are bosses. 10 on the threat scale.
ガイド Rando570.


Earl は、ほとんどすべての新しいゲームをプレイするゲーマーの 1 人です. しかし、彼は FPS やオープンワールド ゲームをプレイすることを好みます。.